Feb 6, 2009

Valentines Gift : Nightmare for Men

Yeah! XD A week more and it's almost valentines day. We've come to that point and we also know that we need to do our best to shop for the most special gift one would try their hardest to come up with.

It's hard to find a gift and to think of original ones. Chocolates, flowers and stuff toys are so so cliche already. It has become a custom to give such during valentines day. Different would be good, unique would be better. Buy your partner something weird and something that is not usually given on that day. Buy something special. A piece of clothing or a nice pair of lingerie perhaps. Imagine and use your creativity.

If you decide to go all traditional though, there's surely nothing wrong with it. Buy something you know she wants. If you were to buy flowers, give her something she would really love. Drop the roses; A piece or so of that flower she wants will surely be more enchanting to her than those expensive bouquet of roses. Make sure you research, make sure you ask her friends what she wants.

I know for a fact that it's hard to shop especially this valentines day. But do know that women would greatly appreciate a man who worked hard to shop her something nice and good this valentines day. They all know how men thinks about girls most favorite hobby so for sure, pulling this off would be a great plus for them.


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